Sometimes you do not have the time to let bread rise for eight hours, but you also would like to enjoy the deliciousness of fresh bread. Enter: a brown "quickbread" recipe. This gluten free brown bread is fluffy, delicious, and tastes like "real" bread. Eat it with butter straight out of the oven, and also makes good toast the next morning.
And as an added bonus, it will fill the house with that great fresh bread smell.
I began looking for a gluten free bread recipe when I realized how bad the store-bought gluten free options were. Sure, they aren't too bad if you toast them up and only have a slice of storebought bread a few times a year. But regularly? No thanks. They taste like cardboard, and the texture is just... wrong.
Gluten free flour mixes - especially bread mixes - often have a similar problem. I was horrified the first time I felt the texture of a gluten free flour mix. It was a white flour replacement and it was nothing but starch. My baking attempts up until going gluten freen had turned towards trying to do more whole grain baked goods, and the starch heavy mix felt wrong.
Starch has its place, of course. It will make your loaf rise more readily, and be less dense. Its great. But it needs to be balanced with flours, grains, and seeds which have texture, like brown rice flour, psyllium husk, and flaxseed. No gluten free mix will ever be exactly the same as a whole wheat blend, but it is possible to achieve the look, feel, and nutrition of whole grain bread.
This bread is nice and brown, speaking of its great whole grain properties, right? Wrong. The dark color is from the blackstrap molasses. Brown rice flour is actually pretty light, as are the other ingredients. So if you want a lighter loaf, use something like sugar, or a lighter molasses. I like to use the blackstrap to keep the sweetness light and to add a little extra nutrition.
I also have a sourdough brown bread recipe, which you can find here.
(1) Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
(2) Mix together the dry ingredients: brown rice flour, white rice flour, tapioca flour, flaxseed, psyllium husk powder, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.
(3) Once the dry ingredients are completely combined, add the blackstrap molasses.
(4) Put the apple cider vinegar in the water. Add the water and vinegar mixture a little at a time to the dry ingredients, mixing in between. A stand mixer greatly helps with this process!
(5) As you incorporate the water into the dough, it will get soupy, and then thicken up and become workable. Give the dough 3-5 minutes to allow the process to happen. The end result should be workable dough that you can knead.
(6) Form the dough into a loaf, and sprinkle with brown rice flour. Then score the top. This helps the bread expand, and makes it look pretty.
(7) Bake the bread for 40-50 minutes, checking midway through to see how it is rising. You may want to rescore the top.
(8) When done, the crust will be golden brown and "crusty," and the dough in the score marks will all look completely baked. This usually takes me closer to 50 minutes, so be patient.
(9) Best enjoyed warm out of the oven with butter!